About Us

In July 2015, QCASE signed a MOU of Collaboration with the Northwest University of Nationalities (NWUN), China
Introduction to QCASE
On 25 July 2002, a representative group of Chinese scientific and engineering professionals incorporated the Queensland Chinese Association of Scientists and Engineers (QCASE).
The founders of QCASE work in universities, educational institutions, research organisations, high-tech companies and governments in Queensland.
QCASE is a non-political, non-religious and non-profit professional organisation for Chinese scientists and engineers in Queensland. We promote cooperation between Australia and China in science, technology and education.
QCASE memberships
QCASE membership is open to any person or organisation interested in, and supportive of, the Association’s objectives.
We welcome people who:
- have received a tertiary or equivalent education, and who have established professional careers in science, education, engineering, the arts and/or business
- are currently establishing or developing their careers in these professions
- are studying to achieve degrees or qualifications in these professions.
QCASE has more than 200 members. These include well-known Queensland academics, scientists and engineers from:
- universities
- research institutes and organisations
- high-tech companies
- all levels of government.
Our members provide a wide range of expertise in science, engineering, education, the arts and business.
The Association also confers honorary memberships. Such memberships recognise outstanding contributions to the advancement of science and technology, the arts, business, and our societies and communities, through cooperation between Australia and China.
Objectives of QCASE
Our Association aims to improve the professional lives and careers of our members.
The objectives of the Association are to:
- encourage and contribute to advances in science and technology
- advocate for exchange and cooperation between Australia and China in science, technology and education
- foster and promote friendship and cooperation:
> among Chinese, Australian, and Chinese Australian scientists and engineers
> with other national and international societies
- help members and their families integrate into Australian culture and society.

Ian Frazer and Xiaoyi Sun received the 2015 QCASE Award in the Queensland Parliament House
Want to Know More About QCASE?
An Association for Scientists, Engineers and Their Families CONTACT USOur services
QCASE provides our members with:
- regular seminars and workshops
- organised exchange activities and overseas visits
- business development activities
- educational training programs for skills such as writing research proposals
- recognition for outstanding contributions.
All of our members are invited to volunteer for work with established committees and projects, and to pursue new projects, in accordance with the objectives and rules of the Association under the guidance of the QCASE Council.
Since its establishment, QCASE has hosted and organised many conferences and events to exchange scientific and technological knowledge between China and Australia.
For example, in 2016, QCASE organised the Australia–China Science, Technology, Commercialisation and Innovation Forum. Over 200 people attended the forum, including 12 academicians of the Academy of Science and the Academy of Engineering from both China and Australia. Media outlets such as CCTV-International, Phoenix Television and People’s Daily reported on the event.

QCASE members and friends at Professor Max Lu’s special lectur, 6 August 2017

Students and researchers at the 2015 workshop for publishing your research in top journals

President: Prof. Yin Xiao (QUT)

Prof. Jianming Yong (Vice President-USQ)

Assoc. Prof. Yu Lin Zhong (Vice President-Griffith)

Assoc. Prof. Jianhua Guo (Vice President-UQ)

Dr. Xingsheng Li (Vice-President-CSIRO)

Assoc. Prof. Dongchen Qi (Secretary-General-QUT)

Dr Yinghong Zhou (Treasurer-QUT)